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Sea Source Offshore was founded to offer our members the opportunity to diversify their maritime skills and assets into offshore energy related activities such as, providing Guard Vessels, Survey Vessels and qualified Marine Mammal Observers. We are world leaders in the management of fisheries based diversification within the marine economy. This has been further evidenced during 2020 by the creation of Sea Source North America, in partnership with colleagues in Connecticut, USA.

Sea Source Offshore Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of ANIFPO Ltd and is a unique, safety driven marine services provider for offshore asset protection.

We are driven by a collective of experienced and knowledgeable industry experts with a deep understanding of the shared marine environment.

We are recognised leaders in safety, reliability, marine expertise and client satisfaction, providing world class services to offshore energy developers, cable layers, interconnector planners and explorers.

Located in Kilkeel Harbour in Northern Ireland, all of our services are delivered to the highest industry-accredited standards, including:

  1. ISO 9001

  2. ISO 14001

  3. ISO 45001

  4. IMCA

  5. Certified by the MCA for our Vessel’s Safety Management system

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Why Choose Us?

Sea Source Offshore Ltd are known and trusted by marine, maritime and coastal communities across Europe and North America. We understand the concerns and challenges involved in large scale projects, and provide a unique and fully customisable asset management system to meet your compliance and operational requirements.

  1. Fleet reliability

  2. Fleet efficiency

  3. Vessels audited to the highest standards

  4. All crew members are trained and certified

  5. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and IMCA accredited

  6. Experts in all marine matters with experience of the North Atlantic

For further information or enquires contact:

Davey Hill

Head of Business Development
